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Teaching Philosophy

I belief that everyone has the potential to be great - it lies within us– but it's really about what we do with that potential that makes all the difference. I base my teaching on the premise; the best way to learn is by doing. While the process of reading theories, examples and cases in textbooks and from lecture notes is valuable, the real learning comes through one's own efforts at solving genuine problems, either applied, theoretical, or both. This is not only achieved through class lecture and assignments, but also through blended approaches such as in-class  & online discussions, research, demonstration, presentation, participation in relevant activities, site visit, and engagement with industries or practitioners. I view my role as a facilitator in this process. I strive to design my teaching and learning in an environment that is fun, open and free from judgement. My goal is to stimulate students' interest and support & nurture their development, by providing assistance and encouragement. 

My primary goals are not just to promote learning of the subject matter but more importantly to inspire my students and bring out the best in them. Students should derive long-term benefits from their time in my classes by continuing to grow. It would gives me greatest satisfaction and huge pleasure to be able to assist my students to realize their true potential - to think logically, analyze and solve problems, and improve their skills and competencies. Rather than supply students with static facts, I believe that I will serve them better by encouraging them into thinking of how to define a problem, how to decide & prioritize what need to be solved and why, how to find and evaluate new information, how to recognize their limits, and how to be prepared both for change and to change. I also belief teaching and learning is a co-creation process and it should be fun and enjoyable. Hence, I always strive to involve my students by stimulating them into thinking creatively, value their opinion and respect their belief. In addition, I design my course using diversified approaches which require them to synthesize the various materials, facts, concepts, theories, techniques and skills through various activities/tasks and assessment in the most engaging and interesting ways possible. 

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“ The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
 The great teacher inspires.” -          William Arthur Ward

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